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Sunday, June 26, 2011

5 Films That Deserve Your Attention

5. Cemetery Man
Based from the Italian comic Dylan Dog. Funny and disturbing with just the right amount of mind blowing nudity.

4. Faust Love Of The Damned
Completely ridiculous but fun. Based on a very disturbing black and white comic. Lots of snakes popping out of weird orifices.

3. Bunny And The Bull
   Very surreal. Brought to you by the same guys who gave us The Mighty Boosch so go figure.                  

2. Flash Point    
Donnie Yen is a beast. The 10 minute fight sequence at the end of the film has to be seen to be believed.  Like a shot of adrenaline straight to the old nut sack.                  

1. Tucker And Dale VS Evil

Between the cast and the fantastic humor i was sold. Love every minute of it and can not wait till it gets released on blu-ray.