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Friday, July 29, 2011

5 More Films That Deserve Your Attention

5. Rogue
Directed by Greg Mclean who gave us Wolf Creek. We get another slice of ozplotation but this time the film is actually good. Tense and disturbing. Plus one death that i never saw coming. If you are a fan of Sam Worthington this is one of his earlier films.

4. Brick
An amazing film noir set within a high school. Joseph Gordon Levitt is on fire here as he portrays a gumshoe in the vein of a hard boiled detective. A must see.

3. The Shinjuku Incident
Jackie Chan in a very dramatic role. Nuff said.

2. Mirage Man

A realistic look at a superhero movie. Quite fascinating, the action in this film is off the wall fantastic.

1. The Revenant
Dark humor and a sharp script make this one a must see. Surprisingly we get a good performance out of Chris Wylde.

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